Past Software Releases | LASTRADA™

LASTRADA is always evolving to keep up with the changing needs of our customers and our industry. LASTRADA Partners releases up to 6 updates a year, where we implement customer-driven enhancements, industry-related changes, and general usability improvements.

Below you'll find the previous releases, listed from newest to oldest, with highlights for each release listed by producer type and module. We also provide links to our Customer Resource Center, where current users can download the latest release and read detailed release notes.

May 30, 2024 8:03 AM / by Alexis Goddard

View Release Notes for the 2023 Year

View Release Notes for the 2021 Year


plus-sign-gold  600 Release Notes −November 2023   

Overview New Features


  • Sieve set definitions can now include sieve diameter.


Testing Program:

  • New options to automatically fill in the subcontract number when looking for samples and descriptions added to task planning.


  • New overview of Soil Tests for selection and data entry


  • New fields for aggregate properties like %chert and deleterious material
  • New feature to set and save the sieve/grading type.
  • Now documents can be attached to declarations for storing external test reports or completed cert. of compliance,


  • New Florida and Ohio Regional Settings in the asphalt mix design and asphalt declaration
  • Imperial Units available for Layer Thickness


  • New redesign of the Binder Specifications
  • New FPC/Specification test selection screen
  • New feature Parameter Sets
  • New pH Test
All data in binder sample report are now available for statistics reporting


  • New feature to compile multiple geotechnical reports into one.


Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 600



plus-sign-gold  525 Release Notes −May 2023   

Overview New Features

    • New scheduler email options
    • Illinois DOT MISTIC Aggregate Export
    • New Aggregate reporting capabilities
    • New Asphalt reporting capabilities 
    • New Ontario A/B/R asphalt reporting
    • New Binder DSR data inputs
    • New Binder Test Kinematic Viscosity
    • New Binder reporting capabilities


Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 525



plus-sign-gold  522 Release Notes December 2022    

Aggregates/ Asphalt


    • Asphalt/Aggregates Statistics- New feature of Excel export of report


Receiving Inspection

    • New entry fields for sample preparation, sediment, and temperature of sample preparation


    • New entry fields for Bath liquid

Overview New Features

Mix Design

    • Adding new blends in "local copies" mode is now possible

Receiving Inspection

    • Table "Sample from the Sample Management" (#5C8) can now be embedded in the table "Receiving Inspection Bitumen: Sample data" (#9128)

Test Equipment

    • New calibration interval "18 months" added to the drop-down

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 522


plus-sign-gold  514 Release Notes August 2022



    • New user right for button "copy into a new version of the sample"


Testing Program

    • New checkbox to output all samples in one report


Master Data

    • "Bitumen declaration" dialogue is now called up in a multi-selection mode
Receiving Inspection
    • Improvement of the link between "Sample Management" and "Bitumen Receiving Inspection"


    • Selection dialogue in case limits that differ from the specification is found in the sample


Hot Mix Asphalt

  • FPC
    • Addition of Michigan rounding rule in binder, aggregate, and mixture tab
  • Reporting
    • New cell types for add. description and number of gyrations from the declaration 
    • Row types for 9th and 10th aggregate components for blend reporting
Testing Register
    • New filter for "leading department" of testing program
Site Quality Control

    • New External Sample ID for Concrete Site Control and Lab Sample ID and External Sample ID cell types added to the "Concrete journal (#6317)" table

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 514


plus-sign-gold 512-513 Release Notes June 2022



    • Update for Determination of Water Content in Sieving and Sedimentation



    • Updated Calculations for Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent
    • Update for Determination of Water Content
    • Michigan no sieve loss procedure added


    • New cell types for reporting Aggregate Contents


Sample Management

    • New weather text module in Sample Management


    • Two new statuses for sold and disposed


Site Quality Control

    • New data fields for defining a concrete element in the field

Hot Mix Asphalt

  • Mix Design  
    • Balanced mix design addition; ability for non-binder producers to add binder facilities to Master Data for tracking
    • Gyrations for N design, N initial, N max in specification, mix design, and declaration interconnected
    • Clay lumps and friable particles added to the Asphalt Production, Asphalt Mix Design
    • Average and estimated FAA both in the asphalt blend tool
    • New buttons to edit and refresh data from the asphalt specification added to Asphalt Declaration and Asphalt Mix Design
    • New declared GMb Target Weight transfers to the production Gmb test screen
    • Addition of Michigan Rounding Rules for the Gmb and Gmm test screen and Air Voids 
    • Michigan no sieve loss procedure added
    • New Gmm Dry Back procedure
    • Compaction temperature in the asphalt specification, declaration, now transfers to asphalt test screen
  • Reporting
    • New Illinois rounding settings option
    • New reporting cell types for asphalt
    • New cell types added to mix design scheme

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 512-513


plus-sign-gold  511 Release Notes April 2022



    • Temperature correction chart added to the hydrometer equipment record
  • Reporting
    • New "Sieve name" cell type for soil templates



    • New permission to restrict direct entry gradations
    • New recycled source material documentation and calculations for recycled base


    • New aggregate crushed count cell types for MI
    • New statistics cell types for aggregate specific gravity 
    • New statistics cell types for quality assurance of blended aggregates in concrete paving



Testing Program

    • New column "Ext. Sample No" in testing program dialogue
    • Testing program ID now displays in asphalt and aggregate testing in workflow management

Hot Mix Asphalt

  • Mix Design  
    • Gmb reheat and Gmm dry back corrections added to asphalt declarations
    • Dry back and reheat correction cell types added in single sample and statistics
    • Blend total deviation from original mix design displayed in asphalt declaration blend management
    • New filters for finding asphalt declarations and mix designs
    • New sample filter type in the asphalt module
    • MI support to use the MD Gse in volumetric calculations in production
  • Reporting
    • Many new cell types for reporting asphalt blends and blend properties
    • New templates utilizing new cell types available in the customer resource center
    • Total binder correction per IL ignition asphalt content test
    • Ability to add new mix designs while creating laboratory work requests

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 511


plus-sign-gold  510 Release Notes January 2022



    • New Hydrometer test per ASTM D422 and AASHTO T88
    • Hydrometer temperature correction added to equipment
    • New soil cell types for both methods
    • New graphs per ATSM and AASHTO standards



    • Two new stats filters: sampling site and location


    • New cell type: sampled by person assigned to a declaration
    • New cell type: carbon equivalency for aggregate statistics
    • New cell types: water content, oversize, undersize, and target size


Testing Register

    • Permanently save type test


    • New remark field in concrete sample
    • New concrete unit control module for working in SI and imperial units
  • Reporting
    • New cell type for signature of sampler


Hot Mix Asphalt

  • Mix Design
    • IDEAL-CT transfer specimen ID's between steps
    • New curves for balanced mix design performance space diagram: multiple blends, optimum blend, with 8 total concurrent curves available
    • New plant breakdown analysis*
  • Reporting
    • New cell types: sample height left & right, gyrations left & right
    • New binder specification reporting from declaration
    • New weather column type in statistics
    • Added most current declaration date and most current ignition correction date
    • New crushed particle statistics cell types: crushed, totally crushed, crushed fines aggregates, total water absorption
    • Binder specification added to declaration list reports



    • New copy without data feature added to samples for replicate testing
    • Create new sample and copy header data for quick sample creation during QC



    • New permanent remember filters selection added to aggregate and asphalt specifications, asphalt declarations, production, and mix design selections 
    • New testing program leading department cell types

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 510


plus-sign-gold  509 Release Notes September 2021



    • New fields in contract selection


    • Reporting
    • New cell type added to grading table



    • New row types for Lightweight Contaminators
    • New sieving type added R4/P4, AASHTO T30 separated


    • New cell types in aggregate, including sieve names
    • New column types in aggregate declaration
    • New cell types in aggregate statistics
    • New options in aggregate receiving inspection


Hot Mix Asphalt

Master Data

    • New setting in asphalt declaration
  • Mix Design  
    • New I-FIT (Fracture Energy) test
    • New performance space diagram
    • New cell types
    • New performance space diagrams: I-FIT and/or IDEAL-CT with HWT


 Testing Register

    •     Updates to Concrete Testing Register


    • New button for concrete recipe

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 509


plus-sign-gold  508 Release Notes June 2021



    • New filter for contract selection 
    • New cell types added to QR code



    • New buttons for "select/deselect all"


    • New cell type for "sampling time"
    • New cell type for Los Angeles test



    •     Expanded sieve sets to 21 sieves


    • New cell types for product list


Hot Mix Asphalt

Mix Design & FPC

    • New performance test: IDEAL-CT
    • Assign additive supplies to declarations
    • Ability to pull Gb from binder supplies
  • Mix Design  
    • Flags for aggregates no longer available when copying a mix design
    • Transfer of height data to bulk density determination
    • New statistics filters


    • Reporting of design limits for cores
    • New cell type for binder content by ignition
    • New HWT cell types


    • Assign laboratory to tests

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 508


plus-sign-gold  507 Release Notes March 2021



    • New sub-menu added to Testing Program



    • Updates to invoicing capabilities



    • The soil properties dialogue now displays man/min values for Cc, Cu, and FM
    • Pass/fail indicators added to soil properties module


    • New cell types


Hot Mix Asphalt

Master Data

    • Min-values can now be set for Cracking Tolerance Index and I-FIT Fracture Energy


    • "Tested by" and "test date" dialogues have been added to test entries in Binder, Core, and Aggregate pages
    • New soluble binder test to match Michigan DOT in the Asphalt Module 
    • "Copy 2" button that creates a new version of sample with saved header data added to the Asphalt Module


    • New cell types



    • Temperature and phase angle values can be entered for BTSV method under the DSR test



    • New testing register 1 is the new dialogue default; You no longer need to hold down the control key when editing      

Current users can view a full description of the release notes here: Release 507





