Current Software Release | LASTRADA™

LASTRADA is always evolving to keep up with the changing needs of our customers and our industry. LASTRADA Partners releases up to 6 updates a year, where we implement customer-driven enhancements, industry-related changes, and general usability improvements.

Below you'll find our current release notes, with highlights for each producer type and module. We also provide a link to our Customer Resource Center, where users can download the latest release and read detailed release notes.

May 30, 2024 8:03 AM / by Miguel Conde

 Update on Red Keyboard Button Enter on Black Computer Keyboard

plus-sign-gold  6.3.0-5 Release Notes May 2024

Overview New Features


  • Equipment Module – A new copy button to quickly create new records

Sample Management:

  • New filter columns were added for quick selection


  • Sample management location update using a QR Code and LASTRADA Mobile

Testing Program:

  • New module related to the LASTRADA App- Simplified tracking of samples through the laboratory


  • Additional Filters added to the scheduler


  • New filtering options without first selecting the mining site
  • Sieving loss warnings added to receiving inspection tests




  • Decimal places added to the Water Content in the sieving & sedimentation test
  • Atterberg Diagram updated per ASTM D2487 specifications
  • New Non-Plastic option


  • New Michigan No Sieve Loss added to the receiving inspection dialogue
  • New NC regional setting
  • New single blend reporting option from declaration


  • New PAV aging min phase angle added in the specification dialogue
  • Addition of elevation correction for the Resistance to Hardening test
  • Two new binder tests Acid Number and Salt Content
  • XRF test added
  • New SARA analysis (IATRO SCAN) Test added
  • A new select only ASTM methods option
  • New reporting option for filtering and grouping tests by parameter sets


Current users can download the current release and view a full description of the release notes here: Release 6.3.0-5

The release download is available until June 21, 2024.







