All Data Needed for Reports
The first purpose of a declaration is to store all the elements of a JMF needed to complete various standard DOT and custom reports.

JMF Details
Each declaration tab includes target values from the mix design, control limits, and internal limits.

Track and Manage JMF Changes
When the JMF changes, use the “replace declaration” connection to update JMFs using new target values for current and future tests and maintain old JMFs for reporting and analysis.
Making a Declaration is Simple
There are three ways to make a declaration. Users can enter a target value, and LASTRADA will apply the specification's allowable deviation to create a JMF. LASTRADA can calculate an entire JMF using the target values from a mix design or calculate a JMF from a single sample in the database.
LASTRADA simplifies the management of approved job mix formulas with its exclusive declaration structure, ensuring that tests are aligned with the correct approved formulations is paramount for maintaining quality and compliance. LASTRADA offers a sophisticated yet user-friendly system for managing these approvals. In this Lightning Demo, I will show you how LASTRADA's declaration structure transforms the landscape of post-approval management, providing a streamlined workflow that ensures accuracy and compliance.
The first purpose of a declaration is to store all the elements of a JMF needed to complete a variety of standard DOT and custom reports. The most common elements are mixed design ID, the approval number from the DOT or agency, the plant specification, the article or product code, the contract, the design lab, its priority in KPI dashboards, and what regional calculations or rounding should be used. When the JMF changes, use the replace declaration connection to update GMFs using new target values for current and future tests and maintain old GMFs for reporting and analysis. The blend page contains the current and past plant settings used to reproduce a mixed design. The deviation of a blend from a mixed design is calculated from the original design proportions stored in the recipe tab. The in-place material tab stores compaction targets and allowable ranges for compaction the asphalt binder and mixture tab includes mix design values control limits, internal limits, as well as binder source and grade specification and additive sources. The aggregates tab includes gradation targets, control limits, and internal limits. It also includes aggregate specific gravity values used to calculate VMA and other volumetrics per multiple-state DOT requirements. Making a declaration is simple. There are three ways to make one users can enter a target value, and LASTRADA will apply the specification allowable deviation to create a JMF. For example, if I change this target value from 5.7 to 6, LASTRADA will adjust my control limits based on these allowable deviations. Above, I can let LASTRADA calculate an entire JMF using the target values from a mixed design using these buttons or calculate a JMF from a single sample's results using this button.
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