How to Add a Sample and Print a Sample Tag
From within the Sample Management Module, you can create a new sample by simply giving it an ID and adding a few very basic details about the sample. The process is quick and easy:
- Click
to add a new sample.
- Assign a Sample ID, Department, Description, and the "Sampled By" name.
- Click
to save the sample.
If you have the time to add more detailed information, such as notes for the technicians, the date the material was received, who received the sample, a description of the containers received, a project assignment, and so on, you can add it right away, or you can come back and add it later.
Once the information is added, click the Document Icon to generate your sample tag.
Utilizing Sample Management
Using the sample information is easy. For example, a material producer who is doing testing for another location in the organization can simply create a new sample and pull the sample data from within Sample Management.
Likewise, an engineering lab who is creating a testing program can access the sampling laboratory logbook from within the testing program window, pull in the sample data, and add the relevant tests.
For more information on how LASTRADA helps private 3rd-party labs and internal engineering labs, visit our laboratory solutions page.
When you receive samples in your lab that need to be logged, you aren't always given all of the information that
you need. Even when the information is available, you may want to simply log the sample and get back to work.
In this Lightning Demo, I'll show you how LASTRADA's Laboratory Logbook, which doubles as an inventory control system, allows users to decide how much information they require to issue an ID number and quickly print a sample tag. Let's open sample management and create a new sample. We start by giving it an ID I'm gonna go ahead and assign it to a department - we'll call it the aggregate department. We need to give this sample a description. I'm just gonna say it's material from a project site. We're gonna give it a sampling date and potentially
who sampled it.
At this point, we have everything we need to go ahead and save the sample and get back to work. But most people put a little more information in. I'm gonna go ahead and add some notes for the technicians, then I'm gonna put the date the material was received and who delivered the material. I'll describe the containers that were received - five-gallon buckets, and we received five of them, and if I know the project I'll go ahead and assign it to a project as well. At this point, I can print a label and tag those five five-gallon buckets.
Now it's very easy to actually use that information. For example, if I'm a producer and I'm testing for another location within my organization, I can create a new sample and then go find the sample in Sample Management. If I'm an engineering lab, when I'm creating my testing programs, I can also access the sampling logbook over here. And here's my sample taken from a project site that we just logged in. And then I would go ahead and add my tests That's as easy as it is!
For more ways LASTRADA can simplify your work, check out our other Lightning Demo videos at or visit our contact page to speak with one of our engineers.