Recipe Overview Module
View the various formulations* for all the products and binders made at a production facility.
Get an In-Depth Look at a Recipe
Click into a formulation to see the recipe** details. Choose either the blend or production scheme view, or incline or batch production types using the filters highlighted below.
Production Instruction Sheets
Within a recipe, click the document button to get a pre-populated sheet of instructions on how to produce that recipe.
Assign Recipes
Using the button highlighted below, LASTRADA makes it easy to quickly assign recipes to various production plants or products.
QC Technician View
Select specific recipes at a facility, perform statistics, and look at the product as a whole or individual recipes.
LASTRADA's Asphalt Binder Modules take the guesswork out of testing recipes and allow you to see in detail which recipes perform better than others based on a desired characteristic.
For more information on how LASTRADA helps asphalt binder producers, visit our binder solutions page.
There are dozens of recipes to make the same asphalt binder. And whether you're looking for the most cost effective recipe, the highest quality recipe, the recipe with the longest shelf life, etc., LASTRADA can help you narrow down the ideal recipe. With our asphalt binder modules, you can compare blend recipes against each other to evaluate performance, and find the optimal blend for your situation.
In this Lightning Demo, we will demonstrate how LASTRADA ties together asphalt recipes and binder manufacturing, conveniently organizing the data for use. Here is an asphalt declaration, which defines a product that is produced at a production facility. And these are the different recipes that I use at this production facility to produce various products, or various binders.
So lets dive into the PG64-16 at this production facility. So right here, we have our blending instructions from the laboratory, and we can create a production scheme and LASTRADA can help you calculate whether you're doing batch blending or in-line blending. And then, also from here, we can generate production blending instruction sheets for the production operations group.
Here is an example of production instructions. From the production facility recipe overview, we can actually assign specific recipes to different production facilities, or two different products, if we would like. And now, on the QC tab, testing that bitumen that is being made at that facility, and I can select my specific recipe that I was using to make same PG64-16. And when I do statistics on my asphalt recipes, I can look at the production by itself, as a whole PG64-16, or I can look at the individual recipes for the PG64-16.
For more ways LASTRADA can simplify your work, check out our other Lightning Demos at, or visit the contact page to speak to one of our engineers.
LASTRADA Definitions
* A formulation is a laboratory prepared blend of components combined to produce an asphalt binder
** A recipes are specific production schemes used by a facility to produce a laboratory formulation